From generative codes to art at The Hole NYC

From generative codes to art at The Hole NYC

Symbiosis of the body and the technology

Emerging from the anatomy of the biomorphic abstraction, Software brings light to the unique dynamics of internal biology. Using code as a starting point that evolves into an oil on canvas, Vickie Vainionpää indicates the unbreakable bond of the human-machine relationship.

Folding and twisting into organic-like forms, the work of Vainionpää can be seen as microorganisms, intestinal tangles, or even desktop screensaver. Software extracts the virtual from its digital world and binds it to reality, creating shapes that are elusive yet existing.

With the presence of coincidence etched into the code and paint, the exhibition brings us a glimpse into the hyper-reality that awaits the present world. Along with the vibrant, fleshy, and vivid series of paintings, Vickie Vainionpää features an immersive video piece covering the walls of the gallery. It brings a moody, nocturnal feel opposite to the optimism of the paintings.

It is the shape of the inner body and the digital body connected together to create art. Software is best understood as an investigation of natural forces and digital processes. By entering the given reality you will get hooked up to the hypnotic shapes that are found both out and within you.

To better understand the process of creating don’t hesitate on visiting The Hole NYC Vickie Vainionpää - Software.


May 12th until June 18th

The Hole NYC

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